Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Front Yard Landscaping Design Principals

Sometimes, too much information is overwhelming and it's time to go back to basics.
Follow the good garden and landscape basic design principles below and you’ll have a front yard garden and entry that will be fresh, comfortable and welcoming.

- Balance the design – use symmetry or asymmetry
- Keep the focus on the front door and welcoming guests
- Repeat color, shapes and textures
- Keep design elements simple
- Don't do more than you have time to maintain
- When in doubt, natural settings are classic – use boulders, native plants and bushes, small trees

Please note: Before making any major changes, it’s recommended that you check with your association, town or city zoning committee and building codes to make sure you’re not breaking any neighborhood rules or regulations.

basic landscaping ideas, curb appeal, front yard, landscaping, landscaping design, landscaping rules,

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